FLIP blog

This web-log will serve as an ongoing commentary on the trials and tribulations faced by a young filmmaker as he tries to complete a short film.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


The Official Flip Website is now indeed official! It's up and running. It's already logged a ton of hits in the past few days, so thanks a bunch everybody! I'd just like to mention that the DVD is available now for $14.99, and as a special thank you to those "internet-savvy" people out there, if you enter the code "FlipBlog" at the check out, you get free shipping!

I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everybody who supported myself and the rest of the cast and crew while we were making this movie. If you're name was missed, please let me know and I'll add it in a BOLD, 48pt font!

Thanks to:
Tim and Mary Jane Torpin
Jarrod Weintraub
Rebecca Seubert
Geoff Goodloe
Matt Jarbo
Charley Miller
Matt Masten
Nick Munoz
Romeo Gutierrez
Dan Orr
Fernando Huerto
Brian Valente
Jarred Land
Dmitry Kichenko
Rachael Dillman
Josh Freeman
Lauren Maiman
Joe Maiman
Melinda Seubert
Winona & Paul McNitt
Jerry Seubert
Target Stores Inc
That guy in Vegas that left the full bottle of Grey Goose outside his room
All the wonderful MySpacers and Bloggers who've shown their support!

Thanks a bunch everybody! It means a ton!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Countdown... 10... 9... 8...

Well, it's officially countdown time. My DVDs will be arriving Thursday, which, coincidently, is the same day the Official Flip Website will launch. The website will serve as a place where people can read about the movie, view trailers, get bios of the cast and crew and much more!

The website will also be the only place to buy the Flip DVD! The DVD is packed with hours upon hours of special features and enough commentary tracks to... well, let's just say there's a lot. The DVD will be available only through the www.flipmovie.net for a limited time only. After that, it will also be found on Amazon.com and other online retailers, who will likely charge a higher price. You can buy the DVD now (well, not quite now, but soon. Very soon.) for $14.99.

As a special treat for all you loyal bloggers, by entering the code "FlipBlog" at the checkout process, you will receive free standard shipping to anywhere in the USA! Just a little "thank you" from all of us here at Component Pictures. Stay tuned, it's going to be an exciting couple of days!