FLIP blog

This web-log will serve as an ongoing commentary on the trials and tribulations faced by a young filmmaker as he tries to complete a short film.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Photo opp!

Today everybody involved in the movie (except for Matt Jarbo, who has a job which precludes him from all fun activities) met at my house. We had some burgers then we set up for a photo opp. Originally, the script called for Aldo to see the bubbles, the marriage certificate and Jennifer before he realized what happened the previous night. Rebecca had the idea of showing a wedding photo instead of the bubbles. I liked it, but told her the only way I would do it was if we got an old 1970's style Polaroid camera and shot the picture on 669 film. 669 film is different from what people normally think of when they think of Polaroid. Rather than the square, low res pictures that come out of modern polaroids, 669 film produces pictures that look almost like 35mm snap shots. After finding a camera that works (to a degree), we got some props for the picture. Rebecca wanted a cheesy veil to wear and I wanted balloons. We got both. I set up the shot on an empty wall in my house. Altogether, I shot 7 polaroids of Jarrod and Rebecca in costume. I have one that I really like. I also shot some digitals, for backup.

After that, we went back to the dinner table and cleared it off. This was to become the boardroom table for scene 1. I wanted to rehearse the camera move for scene 1 to see if it would indeed work as I intended. I had Fernando be the boss and taped a big "motivational poster" to some cabinets. Once the camera was set up on the crane and dolly, we tried out the movie. Geoff pulled focus very well. The shot looked pretty good. It will look better when we really shot it on location. I also set up the shot I had planned for scene 2, with Aldo in his crummy room. That went well too. All in all, it was a productive night. Only a few more days until we start shooting! Stick around!


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