FLIP blog

This web-log will serve as an ongoing commentary on the trials and tribulations faced by a young filmmaker as he tries to complete a short film.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Shooting Schedule

I just want to post our shooting schedule for everybody. This will outline the days we will be shooting. I will be posting at the end of every shoot day. These posts will go over what we were able to get shot that day and how we solved (or didn't solve) any problems that occurred.

May 27th - Shooting scene 2 (with Aldo) in San Diego hotel.

May 29th thru June 2nd - Shooting in Las Vegas. (More detailed breakdown of scenes to follow)

June 5th - Shooting scene 1 in Downtown San Diego hotel.

Also, we are rehearsing tomorrow night (Friday, May 19th) and next Friday night (May 26th). Both of these will be followed with in-depth posts about various aspects of movie making. (Expect a post from Geoff my First AC, likely about his experiences pulling focus).

Stay tuned tomorrow night. Rehearsal is from 7-9:00 pm, so expect a few decent posts shortly thereafter!


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